Book Prizes 2022 Finalists |
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ASWAD 2022 Book and Article Prizes2019 Results | 2020 | 2020 Results | 2021 | 2021 Results | 2022 | 2022 Finalists | 2022 Results
ASWAD Outstanding First Book PrizeThe Outstanding First Book Prize annually honors an outstanding single-authored book focused on Africa and/or the African diaspora submitted by or on behalf of a scholar, activist, and/or artist who has not previously published a single-authored monograph. Finalists Yesenia Barragan, Freedom's Captives: Slavery and Gradual Emancipation on the Colombian Black Pacific (Cambridge University Press) Christopher Tounsel, Chosen People: Christianity and Political Imagination in South Sudan (Duke University Press) Alexis Wells-Oghoghomeh, The Souls of Womenfolk: The Religious Cultures of Enslaved Women in the Lower South (UNC Press) Sterling Stuckey Book PrizeASWAD's P. Sterling Stuckey Book Prize annually acknowledges books published in English submitted by or on behalf of a scholar, activist, and/or artist who has at least one previous single-authored book or comparable work. Finalists Merle Bowen, For Land and Liberty: Black Struggles in Rural Brazil (Cambridge University Press) James Meriwether, Tears, Fire, and Blood: The United States and the Decolonization of Africa (University of North Carolina Press) Jennifer Morgan, Reckoning with Slavery: Gender, Kinship, and Capitalism in the Early Black Atlantic (Duke University Press) Shobana Shankar, An Uneasy Embrace: Africa, India, and the Spectre of Race (Hurst Publishers) Rosalyn Terborg-Penn Book PrizeFor Outstanding Original Scholarship on Gender and Sexuality in the African Diaspora. Jennifer Morgan, Reckoning with Slavery: Gender, Kinship, and Capitalism in the Early Black Atlantic (Duke University Press) Alexis Wells-Oghoghomeh, The Souls of Womenfolk: The Religious Cultures of Enslaved Women in the Lower South (UNC Press) Outstanding Article Prize
ASWAD's Article Prize annually honors an outstanding peer-reviewed article focused on Africa and/or the African diaspora. Finalists Karen Graubart, "Pesa más la libertad: Slavery, Legal Claims, and the History of Afro-Latin American Ideas," WMQ 78, 3 (2021): 427-458. Jarvis McInnis, "A 'Reorder of Things' in Black Studies: Sacred Praxis, Phono(geo)graphy, and the Counter-Archive of Diaspora," Comparative Literature Studies 59, 1 (2022): 11-48 Nicosia Shakes, "Race, Public Sphere, and Sexual Violence in the Mothertongue Project's Walk: South Africa," Signs 46, 3 (2021): 537-560. |